Green Jade Money Frog

  • $49.00
    単価 あたり 


Green Jade Money Frog


The feng shui money frog, better known as the three-legged toad, is a popular Chinese symbol that is used as a feng shui adjustment to attract wealth and prosperity. The three-legged toad is also connected to long life and good luck.


Jade, a protective stone, Jade keeps the wearer from harm and brings harmony. Jade attracts good luck and friendship. It stabilizes the personality and promotes self-sufficiency. Soothes the mind, releasing negative thoughts. 

In China and Ancient Egypt, this stone is known to be a strong amulet that invites good fortune as well as strengthens friendships. In Chinese tradition, it is also said that the stone symbolizes virtues of humankind which are wisdom, kindness, justice, courage, and modesty.

This stone is also used for treating diseases and illnesses. What’s more, when green jade is worn as a talisman, it’s said to possess protective energies which dispel evils while you are traveling.

Green Jade is a receptive and protective stone that wards off negative energies which surround you. This stone will also guide you in attaining your goals, but you have to pair it with bloodstone.

When Green jade is pair with Mookaite Jasper, this stone will give off calming as well as strong vibrations.

Apart from being the stone of the heart, green jade will improve and strengthen the functions of the spleen, kidneys, and even the adrenal glands.

This stone also helps in the treatment of diseases associated with the nervous system. With green jade, you will be able to combat the various effects of depression and eliminate stress. In fact, it also dispels nightmares and bad dreams.

Green Jade is one of the best and ideal stones that you can use if you want to remove your limitations. It can also help you in reaching your desires and goals in life. Truthfully, it’s the perfect stone that you need to possess if you want to entice good fortune and good luck.